Today wasn't that bad


I didn't have my usual assistant so the little sheep helped instead.

Not a bad evening. After moping most of the day finally (yesterday depressed me to no ends) I got out just before 4PM and drove to the usual location and put up the antennas on top of the car. Then I got the FT-847 out - this time microphone included - and hollered a couple of CQs. Once more the US was very strong, heard lots of people from MN and Ohio, even all they way to Nebraska. I was putting out about 25-50W and once more, no one heard me or responded. I start to wonder if FT-818 was a bad idea with its QRP levels! I still love it to be honest, and FT-847 is also a fantastic radio. Later I gave up on 20, tried 40 and 80 but I couldn't get the multi-band tuned up. Then I went onto 145.500 and with the dipole on top of the bonnet (visible behind the sheep) tried a couple of CQs and a G4 from Cirencester responded so we had a nice QSO. 

Then I packed up the radios, drove a short distance and tried some night time photographies of the skies. It wasn't extremely successful, I had a hard time focusing the camera, but I managed to get a couple of almost in focus shots. Finally came back home around 6:30. Not a bad evening considering all things.

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