Inflatable HF Antenna Update

 Better, first ever proper contact.

So, what's going on?

I finally plugged the antenna on 26 in the study to the FT-847. Good reception.

But no spots.

I struggled very badly, 20W, antenna nicely balanced, receives well, no signal

After three days I gave up and moved it to the other room where FT-818 is. It received somewhat better, but not stellar. Then suddenly I started to have "RF in the Shack" issues with the USB interfaces and the radio. I gave up.

Today after work I tried again, no luck.

Then it dawned on me, neither radio have a good earth. I did the worst possible earthing on the FT-818, replied a CQ message, and bang got a contact.

Since them I'm still struggling to make a contact, that's normal with QRP, but I am being spotted and I am hearing quite well as well.

Moral of the story? Earth matters.

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