Remote operation with FT-847

Well, not bad.

I put an ethernet cable around the study reaching out to the radio, plonked a cheap USB sound card and the Pi, with my old USB to Serial adapter into it and voila, it works with VNC quite well, CAT and the lot.

There are future experiments to be made, like using something faster than VNC but it works, apart from 6m. 

At 6m the cables are getting interference and the TX'ed signal is horrible. Needs more investigation. 

Other thing to look into is the audio cables, right now they are electrically connected. That needs to go, all of that cable stuff needs to be replaced with the audio/TTL connection kit I'm working on. That'd give me both octo-couplers for the serial side and also audio transformers on the other side. Anyway, we'll get there.

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