FT-847 troubles.

I've been recommissioning my FT-847 and only on SSB I'm getting bad audio results. Usually I'm told it's hard to understand. I'm running QRP level powers, and I've tried with and without the PS. Ferrite beads at every single cable to prevent RF leak back into the rig, 2.5W transmit power so I'm sure PA stage isn't being hard-worked. I've also tried different mics, just in case - nope.

I've tried to check the transmission at home - the radio frontend is easily overloaded with two of the radios so close so I tried from a short distance instead using the FT-818 but the results were inconclusive due to my wife being a brand new amateur so she wasn't really up to the reports / handling of the radio to ensure a steady voice was coming.

As far as I can tell it's happening on all bands, I've tried multiple 20m contacts, and yesterday did the same on 6m - same kind of results. Trying it out with the 2M all-mode mobile radio (Standard C5800) showed a different kind of horrible audio, but then that radio too has been sitting unused for 5y and it's from the 80s so that might be even in a worse state!

FM and CW works just fine - clear audio, no funnies, no chirping. I haven't tried AM yet.

I've checked every single option on the radio and the calibration menus with no success.

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